Time’s Out for Time Out

Time Out SLO started as a part of a journalism class assignment. Over the past ten weeks, it has become a hobby that I’ve learned to enjoy. I have experienced what it’s like to be responsible for an audience and write on a schedule.

Time Out SLO has attracted about 500 visitors which is more than I ever expected to get, especially seeing how niche my subject is. I’ve learned that the blogging community is one of the most supportive social media communities out there. Bloggers are eager to follow other bloggers, so it’s easy to attract an audience.

I would like to continue this blog because I definitely believe it has potential. However, to truly succeed in making this blog all it could be, it would have to become a full-time effort. I will be retiring this blog after this week, but I won’t forget what I’ve learned from it. Maybe once I’m done with schooling, I will pick up blogging in pursuit of a side income. Until then, I look forward to posting my final project on Thursday.

Until next time,


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